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Moon Memos

Remote hiring

By April 8, 2021No Comments

Never did anyone ever imagine that, prior to March 2020, we would be in a situation where interviews would be conducted remotely, onboarding new team members would take place remotely, or we would be having work socials… you guessed it, remotely.

In fact, ‘remotely’ could probably compete against ‘unprecedented’ in the battle for the most commonly used word of 2020. 

Many people will prefer the remote hiring process; candidates can interview in an environment in which they feel in control and comfortable, there’s no huge stress about what to wear, and it’s generally a more relaxed vibe.

For those who panic in interviews, you can have some prompts and flash cards at your disposal. And let’s not forget about the environmental impact; it may not sound much for one person, but think of the number of candidates who aren’t travelling around on public transport to attend interviews, and the money you save whilst doing so! 

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However, the positives don’t come without the negatives. There is bound to be an element of anxiety when it comes to hiring remotely. You have to have trust.

Companies are placing their trust into new hires in that they will be completing their work, and not slacking off. New hires are placing their trust into their new companies. Adequate training and communication is needed to ensure they’re on the right track.

Equally, time and effort is required from the company to really make the new hire feel at home, whilst working from afar. It’s a fine balance; but get it correctly, and you’ll be winning.